Bio Fertilizer | Bio Fungisida | Bio Bakterisida | Dekomposer
No. Izin Edar KEMENTAN RI : 03.01.2018.159
Biolite is a biological fertilizer from a combination of various elements beneficial for the soil and plants. Solid form derived from quality organic materials high and guaranteed quality coupled with the formulation of superior microorganisms for all types of soil and plants. Biolite increases nutrient absorption, and activates microorganisms that are beneficial to the soil and plants, thereby improving soil health roots as well as increasing crop yields. Contents
Benefits of Biolite
Fertilize the soil
Prevents leaf loss
Prevents withering plants
Uniforming growth
Increase Crop Production
A. Direct Application
1. Biolite sow evenly on the soil surface after tillage before planting.
2. Repeat the use of Biolite in subsequent soil processing.
B. Fertilizer joint Application
1. Mix Biolite with UREA, NPK or other fertilizer that will be used.
2. Stir until evenly mixed.
3. Fertilizer is ready to use.