No. Izin Edar KEMENTAN RI : 04.01.2018.160
Organic Certification Number : SNI 6729:2016 No. 268-INOFICE/LSO-003-IDN/10/17

SIMAXX is a soil enhancer Made from high quality organic mineral materials with modern technological production processes produce soil ameliorant which can overcome problems on agricultural land in Indonesia which is increasingly experiencing a decrease in the level of soil fertility use of chemical fertilizers continuously without accompanied by use organic matter to maintain the soil fertility that results soil damage and decreased crop production.

SIMAXX comes with a formulation shaped flour that dissolves easily in water so it can easily absorbed by soil and plants, containing high CEC which helps accelerate the absorption of fertilizer on plants as well as enriched with complete nutrients needed by plants to increase growth and increase yields.

Made from 100% organic material from Indonesia SIMAXX is safe to apply to plants without causing residue chemicals that can damage the soil and are harmful to humans.


KTK  : 163,98 cmol/kg
Water Contents  : 4,55%
Mildness 100mesh  : 56,22%
Mildness 40mesh  : 100%


Fertilize the soil

Uniforming plant growth

Reducing stress on plants

Reducing the use of chemical fertilizers

Helps speed up the absorption of nutrients to plants

Helps speed up the absorption of nutrients to plants
